Friday, February 21, 2020

Culture Serves as Informal Structure in Organizations - Organisational Research Paper

Culture Serves as Informal Structure in Organizations - Organisational Behavior - Research Paper Example Organizations both small and large multinational conglomerates can achieve high profits in their business by matching their needs with the structure they employ in operation. There are various forms of organizational structures and they include function, matrix and division structures. In a functional structure, an organization is set up in order to group every portion of the organization according to its purpose and this structure works well for small businesses where each department relies on the talent and knowledge of workers and support. Nevertheless, the main drawback for the structure is that coordination and communication-linking departments are restricted by organizational boundaries that have various departments working separately. Divisional structure is employed in large organizations that work in large geographic location or in organizations that have different small organizations in the same company to take care of different forms of products or even market areas. The s tructure is beneficial in that it enables needs to be met rapidly although communication is inhibited since employees are in various divisions thus not working together; besides, the structure is costly owing to its size and scope. The matrix structure is a hybrid of both functional and divisional structures and is often employed by multinational companies since it allows the benefits of functional and divisional structures to exist in a single organization. Nevertheless, the structures create a potential for power struggles since many areas of the organization have dual management like a functional manager as well as a product or divisional manager working in the same stage and covering same managerial territory (Singh, 2010).  

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Research design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research design - Essay Example Implication to professional application is included. RCT potentially prevents bias and reduces confounding Dauphin et al. (1999) were able to come up a significant result concering the bias and precision in visual analogue series (VAS) while successfully employing the RCT. In this study, they were able to investigate the characteristics of VAS especially in the measurement of symptoms’ intensity or frequency. Prior to finding this, the research investigation included study samples under a prevention trial involving supplementation by antioxidant vitamins and minerals of respondents who were 35-61 years gathered from the general population in France. There was inclusion of randomisation from samples prior to investigating the actual point of the study. the same process was initiated during the first and second trials. This means that the actual general data were assumed to represent the entire information obtained from the entire samples. This is a remarkable strength of the st udy because this will eventually reflect on the kind of data that will be used for the VAS. Thus, the study of Dauphin et al reflects the actual framework involved in RCT research design. The RCT in general is trying to create an inference of a particular intervention by randomly employing samples from the entire study sample from a population that should therefore be randomly identified as the treatment or intervention groups and control groups respectively (Bonita et al., 2006, p.50). Below is the actual diagram or framework showcasing the general flow involved in the RCT research design (Evidenced-Based Dentistry, 2013). One important strength in employing RCT as found in the study of Dauphin et al. (1999) is the presence of consistent result, as depicted by the... In some clinical studies, researchers may be looking forward to a specific treatment response of some certain illnesses to a given drug. In this reason, they may be able to compare treatment groups with control groups not receiving the medication. In employing a particular clinical study, the reliability of a certain drug may be proven effective or not because of the associated empirical evidence that one could generate thru the employed research design. Furthermore, there are some studies that would require precise measurement of the actual empirical evidence, so minimising the allocation of bias and other predictive factors has become necessary. One of the most important drawbacks in some studies is the inclusion of probable bias especially in generating data prior to the actual analysis and presentation of results. There are many statistical methods that could try to prevent this from influencing the reliability of the study. However, one common logical approach in statistics is to initiate random trials in response to selecting or acquiring of data. The RCT has relevant advantages and weaknesses, but the bottom line boils down to the skills of the users on how they should properly initiate the research design including its associated process. The RCT is so powerful research design for as long as it tries to represent a general idea about the impact of a certain prevention or treatments applied in a certain population. As a result, it could help determine a generalise conclusion of the general case. Although individual cases cannot be entirely determined, the RCT still proves to be an efficient research design that could be freely integrated within the clinical studies especially in ensuring precision of results and warding off probable bias.