Sunday, May 24, 2020

Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 1 Words: 358 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/08 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Child Abuse Essay Did you like this example? For years now, child abuse has been a topic that has caught the attention of the nation. It is important to know that children are not only abused by their parents because that seems to be what people think. Children can be abused by their uncles aunts even foster home families. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Definitions of Child Abuse and Neglect" essay for you Create order child abuse somewhat seems to come and go when it comes to the law. It is forgotten. The animal abuse law used to be stronger than the child abuse law at some point. Family law says in an article on child abuse that it is when a parent or caretaker physically emotionally or sexually abuses neglects or abandons a child. Children shouldnt have to worry about being abused while growing up. Children should be living life to the fullest and enjoying every moment of it while making life long memories. Before marry ellen case in 1874 there were no real law about child abuse but there were laws about animal abuse. When marry ellen was nine she looked like a five-year-old child. She would get beaten every day. According to magda origjanska a skilled writer based in macedonia 2017 mary ellen had no idea how old she was why she got weep every day and was not allowed to talk to anyone because she would get weep. this all happened because her birth mom could no longer take care of her because of her financial needs. When mary was given to her foster home she was two years old. From that day she got weeped by her foster mom and malnourished. It was a blessing for her that etta angell wheeler her neighbor found her. When she reported the situation to the police they told her more proof of child abuse was needed regardless of all the bruises. It wasnt enough. Because the law was not good enough to cover the situation. Etta did not give up on mary until the day her foster mom was put in jail. Even after that she took mary in as her own and loved until she got married and gave birth to two daughters and adopted one whom she named after etta.

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